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Android Studio 0.8.1(Beta)支持Android L

2014-7-1 09:07| 发布者: joejoe0332| 查看: 3397| 评论: 0|原作者: oschina|来自: oschina

摘要: Android Studio 0.8.1 Beta 发布了,该版本最值得关注的就是增加对 Android L 的支持。详细的改进记录请看:……

  Android Studio 0.8.1 Beta 发布了,该版本最值得关注的就是增加对 Android L 的支持。详细的改进记录请看:

  • 支持 Android L preview SDK

    • Layout rendering: Support for the new L theme, widgets, and graphics support (such as shadow layers)

    • API version rendering (showing the layout across different UI versions)

    • Editor support for L APIs (such as the new Drawable XML tags and attributes, e.g. <ripple>, <animated-selector>, etc)

  • 支持 Android Wear and TV

    • New templates for Android Wear and for Android TV, along with Gradle build support

    • Layout Rendering

  • New intention action to override resources

    • And lint quickfix for API check violations

  • Automatic platform component downloading during Gradle sync when a required platform is missing. For example, if your build.gradle file requires API 19, but your SDK install does not have Android 4.4 installed, you will get a fix link in the Gradle Sync window which offers to install it:

    When you click on it, you'll first get a license agreement dialog, and then it will continue to install the missing component and restart the sync. 

    This is not specific to missing Android SDK versions; it will also install missing build tools versions, or missing Android or Google Maven repositories.

  • Gradle Sync Caching. We now cache the synced Gradle model across IDE invocations, so if you exit the IDE and restart, the IDE should be ready to use much more quickly.






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