IT外媒The Register披露了通过秘密反跟踪情报远程泄露(Stealth Anti-Tracing Intelligence Remote Exfiltration)技术获得的白宫内部对话的文字记录。 美国总统特朗普近日与一群顾问谈论了如何禁止美国技术流入到华为手里,The Register搞到了这次谈话的下列文字记录。 当然,The Register没有透露他消息来源。话虽如此,之后GitHub的一个存储库被删除,该存储库含有秘密反跟踪情报远程泄露(SATIRE)技术,该技术用于获取以下对话内容…… 特朗普:那么自从我们通过这项新法律以来,美国还有哪家公司与华为有业务往来吗? 贸易顾问:没有一家了,总统先生。英特尔、思科、微软、谷歌……它们都停止了与华为的业务往来。 特朗普:这么说任何技术都不会流向华为? 贸易顾问:不会,总统先生。我们估计,华为将在30天内用完制造新产品的芯片。它也不能购买美国软件。这家公司将很快瘫痪。总统先生,我们正向北京方面传达讯息:中国不能利用其技术公司监视我们。但是美国国家安全局(NSA)仍利用我们的技术公司在监视中国。 特朗普:很好。我很快会宣布这一点。福克斯新闻网(Fox News)是否已发送了等待审核的文稿? 贸易顾问:是的,总统先生。 特朗普:太好了! 技术顾问:总统先生,实际上,美国的所有大型技术公司仍每天向中国出口我们的技术。 特朗普:说什么?刚才这位贸易顾问说我们已停止出口,你却告诉我不是这样?你知道我不喜欢串通!但是你们就不能把一件事讲清楚吗? 技术顾问:总统先生,您有没有听说过开源? 特朗普:酱汁?(注:特朗普将意为“开源”的open source听成了意为“酱汁”的sauce)当然,我每晚都吃涂有番茄酱的汉堡。这与中国又有什么关系? 技术顾问:不是酱汁,总统先生。我说的是软件的源代码。美国公司一直在共享软件源代码。而中国广泛使用源代码。中国大多数大型技术公司的业务立足于含有来自美国公司的大量代码的软件。 特朗普:哪些白痴任由这种事情发生? 技术顾问:美国宇航局(NASA)就是一个例子,总统先生。美国宇航局建立了这个名为Nebula项目的计算平台,该项目最终成为OpenStack,随后免费公之于众。现在,OpenStack支撑着中国最大的互联网公司,这些公司将它变成了本地销售的产品,与美国软件争夺市场。IBM、微软、谷歌……技术界的所有大公司都免费向中国提供软件。 特朗普:这是自有人对我说我无法购买格陵兰岛或无法干掉飓风以来我听到的最愚蠢的事情了。 技术顾问:总统先生,技术行业就是这么运作的。美国公司也在使用中国软件。 特朗普:甚至来自华为的软件? 技术顾问:是的,总统先生。华为的代码每天在美国使用。您发推文时,说不定使用的就是来自华为的软件。 特朗普:这么说,Twitter站在中国那一边?我知道他们在搞什么名堂,别以为我不知道。 技术顾问:不,总统先生。Twitter可能只是使用了中国公司赠送的一些软件。 特朗普:好吧,如果这是他们赠送的东西,那很好。那真是垃圾。我们会不会因此而中病毒? 贸易顾问:总统先生,我从未听说过这种计算机酱汁;如果您保持键盘清洁的话,我认为计算机病毒不会传播到人类头上。我说,我们还是别操这份心了。 特朗普:好的。这次会议开得很好。太棒了。就干一件事:把宇航局给炒了。将宇航局并入到太空部队(Space Force)或类似的政府部门,然后让它们向下照射紫外线以杀死病毒。如果那不起作用,是不是我们该指责卡特政府了? 英文对话原文: Trump:So since we passed this new law are any of our companies doing business with Huawei? Trade Advisor:No, Mr President. Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Google … they’ve all stopped. Trump:So nothing is going to Huawei? Trade Advisor:No, Mr President. We estimate that in 30 days Huawei will run out of chips to build into new products. It can’t buy American software either. The company will soon be crippled. We’re sending a message to Beijing, Mr President: they can’t use their technology companies to spy on us. But the NSA still uses our tech companies to spy on them. Trump:Excellent. I'll announce this soon. Has Fox News sent its script for approval yet? Trade Advisor:Yes, Mr President. Trump:So much winning! Technology Advisor:Actually, Mr President, all of America’s biggest tech companies are still sending our technology to China every day. Trump:What? This one guy says we’ve stopped and you’re telling me different? You know I don’t like collusion! But can’t you people get just one story straight? Technology Advisor:Have you heard of open source, Mr President? Trump:Sauce? Sure, I have ketchup on my burger every night. What’s that got to do with China? Technology Advisor:Not sauce, Mr President. This is about the source code for software. American companies share that all the time. And China uses it extensively. Most big Chinese tech companies built their businesses on software that includes plenty of code from American firms. Trump:What idiots let that happen? Technology Advisor:For one thing, NASA, Mr President. They built this thing called the Nebula project that eventually became OpenStack and gave it away for free. It now runs China’s biggest web companies and they're turning it into products they sell locally that compete with American software. IBM, Microsoft, Google … all the big companies in tech freely give software to China. Trump:This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard since they told me I can’t buy Greenland or nuke a hurricane. Technology Advisor:It’s just the way the technology industry works, Mr President. And American companies use Chinese software, too. Trump:Even from Huawei? Technology Advisor:Yes, Mr President. Huawei code is used in America every day. You probably use software from Huawei when you tweet. Trump:So Twitter is on China’s side? I knew they were up to something. Technology Advisor:No, Mr President. It just probably uses some software that Chinese companies give away. Trump:Well if it’s the stuff they give away, that’s fine. That’s the junk. Can we get viruses from it? Trade Advisor:I’ve never even heard of this computer ketchup, sir, and I don't think computer viruses can cross over into humans if you keep your keyboard clean. I say we just let it go. Trump:OK. Great meeting. So much winning. Just one action: fire NASA. Make them a part of Space Force or something, then have them beam down ultraviolet light to kill the virus. If that doesn't work, maybe it's time we blamed the Carter administration for something? |