PhpStorm 2018.2.6(build 182.5107.45) 已发布。虽然 PhpStorm 2018.3 正式版才刚刚推出,但 JetBrains 仍在对之前的 2018.2 分支进行更新,以便为 PHP 和 IntelliJ 平台提供重要的错误修复。 下载地址 >>> 值得关注的 bug 修复 Fixed: Search Everywhere not opening file on Linux (IDEA-200654 +37) Fixed: Find/Replace in Path closes immediately (IDEA-199986 +14) Fixed: Floating toolwindows can’t be moved (IDEA-196606 +5) Fixed: Find in Path stuck to Old Style; Search Everywhere enter not working (IDEA-200704+4) Fixed: PhpStorm 2018.2 freezes and sometimes loses last changes (WI-44114 +3) Fixed: PHPStorm XDebug Errors out: remoteFileUrl is listed as null in xDebug.onBreak (WI-43622 +2) Fixed: PhpStorm >= 2017.2.2 freezes after start with .phpstorm.meta.php (WI-38126 +2)
详细更新请查看发布说明中的错误修复和改进的完整列表。 |