LOG4J 2.9.0
是,这些可以通过一个配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改应用的代码。 更新内容: LOG4J2-2008: Support printing multiple StructuredData elements in RFC5424Layout. LOG4J2-1986: Public API for parsing the output from JsonLayout/XmlLayout/YamlLayout into a LogEvent. LOG4J2-1981: JsonLayout, XmlLayout and YamlLayout support 0-byte termination of log events. LOG4J2-1864: Support capped collections for MongoDb appender. Thanks to Matthias Kappeller. LOG4J2-1813: Log4j2 will now print all internal logging to the console if system property log4j2.debug is defined with any value (or no value).
详细内容请参见发布说明。 下载地址: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/download.html