Redis 3.2.3 发布了,Redis 是一个高性能的key-value数据库。 redis的出现,很大程度补偿了memcached这类keyvalue存储的不足,在部 分场合可以对关系数据库起到很好的补充作用。它提供了Python,Ruby,Erlang,PHP客户端,使用很方便。 以下是该版本发布值得关注的内容: bug 修复: There was an inverted if statement logic problem in replication.c causing a replication delay. This is not an actual problem since things work as expected, but worth to fix ASAP anyway. Redis-cli created the history file with insecure permissions, allowing reding from the file. This was actually a bug in linenoise which is now fixed. The applied fix is from Chris Lamb.
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