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Audacious 3.6-alpha1发布,Linux音乐播放器

2014-12-10 15:38| 发布者: joejoe0332| 查看: 2703| 评论: 0|原作者: oschina|来自: oschina

摘要:   Audacious 3.6-alpha1 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:主要改进全新基于 Qt 的用户界面 默认使用 GIK+ 版本源代码从 C99 转换为 C++11新特性Double-size scaling of Winamp skins (#41)Searching by g ...

  Audacious 3.6-alpha1 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:


  • 全新基于 Qt 的用户界面

  • 默认使用 GIK+ 版本

  • 源代码从 C99 转换为 C++11 


  • Double-size scaling of Winamp skins (#41)

  • Searching by genre in the search tool plugin (#158)

  • The playlist manager can be docked in the GTK+ interface (#160)

  • Crossfading on seek and manual song change (#213)

  • Support for “album artist” in song tags (#238)

  • Search results are filtered by number of songs in the search tool plugin (#396)

  • Cue files are automatically added to playlists and to the library (#430)

  • Song lengths read from ID3 tags are sanity-checked (#441)

  • Adjustable HTTP buffer size (#443)

  • Optional calculation of a more accurate song length estimate for MP3 files (#446)

  • Optional skipping of leading and trailing silence in MIDI files (#463)

  • Restored settings dialog for the SID plugin (#476)


  • Audacious can now be built as a headless music player “daemon” with no GTK+ dependency.  It this configuration, it can be controlled using either audtool or your favorite MPRIS 2 client.  Note that some plugins still require GTK+.

  • By default, playback now resumes in a paused state upon startup, so that you can press play to continue from where you left off.  If desired, there is still an option to resume immediately in an audibly playing state.

  • Window positions of visualization plugins and of the search tool are now saved and restored at startup when the Winamp Classic interface is used.  A new menu option and keyboard shortcut (Y) have also been added to activate the search tool.

  • There is a new effect plugin to remove leading and trailing silence in any song file.  Enabling this effect is recommended if you’re using crossfade.

  • New controls have been added to the song information dialog to allow tagging entire albums without retyping the artist and album name for each song.

  • A new option has been added to probe content of files with no recognized filename extension.  With this option enabled, files with no extension can be added to playlists and to the library automatically, and subtunes in those files will also be recognized.  The extra probing does slow Audacious down, so enable the option only if needed.

  • Support for the SID song lengths database has been restored.  Songlengths.txt should be installed in the same location as the C64 ROMs (generally /usr/share/sidplayfp/ on Linux).

  • The ALSA output plugin now checks for new devices when the settings dialog is opened, so it’s no longer necessary to restart Audacious after plugging in a USB audio device.

  • The JACK and sndio output plugins have been rewritten from scratch in order to fix a number of problems.

  • Two new plugins have been added for native audio output and multimedia keyboard support on Mac OS X.

  • The generic and unhelpful “No decoder found” message has been replaced with somewhat more specific error reporting; for example, “No such file or directory.”

Audacious 3.5.2 的 bug 修复

  • MP4 decoding now uses FFmpeg instead of the deprecated libmp4ff (#425)

  • Menus appear on the correct monitor under Windows (#450)

  • Better tolerance for various character encoding errors (#481)

  • The user interface no longer freezes while the last song in the playlist fades out.

  • A-to-B repeat correctly repeats from the end of the song if only point A is set.

  • Fixed extreme CPU usage when copying and pasting thousands of playlist entries.

  • MP3 files without Replay Gain tags are no longer amplified by 1 dB.







  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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