tmux 1.9 发布,此版本是跟旧版 tmux 冲突的版本,所以建议之前 tmux 服务器安装最新版的时候要重启,避免协议不匹配的错误。可以在这里下载最新版,更新内容如下: 不兼容的修改====================* 88 colour support has been removed.* 'default-path' has been removed. The new-window command accepts '-c' to cater for this. The previous value of "." can be replaced with: 'neww -c $PWD', the previous value of '' which meant current path of the pane can be specified as: 'neww -c "#{pane_current_path}"'弃用修改==================* The single format specifiers: #A -> #Z (where defined) have been deprecated and replaced with longer-named equivalents, as listed in the FORMATS section of the tmux manpage.* The various foo-{fg,bg,attr} commands have been deprecated and replaced with equivalent foo-style option instead. Currently this is still backwards-compatible, but will be removed over time.常规更新==============* A new environment variable TMUX_TMPDIR is now honoured, allowing the socket directory to be set outside of TMPDIR (/tmp/ if not set).* If -s not given to swap-pane the current pane is assumed.* A #{pane_syncronized} format specifier has been added to be a conditional format if a pane is in a syncronised mode (c.f. syncronize-panes)* Tmux now runs under Cygwin natively.* Formats can now be nested within each other and expanded accordingly.* Added 'automatic-rename-format' option to allow the automatic rename mechanism to use something other than the default of #{pane_current_command}.* new-session learnt '-c' to specify the starting directory for that session and all subsequent windows therein.* The session name is now shown in the message printed to the terminal when a session is detached.* Lots more format specifiers have been added.* Server race conditions have been fixed; in particular commands are not run until after the configuration file is read completely.* Case insensitive searching in tmux's copy-mode is now possible.* attach-session and switch-client learnt the '-t' option to accept a window and/or a pane to use.* Copy-mode is only exited if no selection is in progress.* Paste key in copy-mode is now possible to enter text from the clipboard.* status-interval set to '0' now works as intended.* tmux now supports 256 colours running under fbterm.* Many bug fixes! tmux 是一个与 GNU screen 类似的程序,可作为后者的替代品使用。tmux 采用 BSD 许可授权,其最新版本(当前是 0.5)的源代码可从 SourceForge 网站下载。 如上图所示,启动 tmux 后,在窗口底部有状态行显示,其中包括已创建的窗口列表、当前窗口(使用 * 表示)等。 与 GNU screen 相似,tmux 也使用快捷键来执行相关操作。要创建一个新的窗口,可以按 C-b c,即先按 Ctrl-b,再按 c。在各个窗口间切换可使用下列快捷键:
分离会话可执行 C-b d 。 通过 |