元器件交易网讯 2月19日消息,据外媒Engadget报道,开源平台OpenKnit提供设计软件,可供人们打印自己设计的衣物。 目前该开源平台售价尚可(低于757美元,约合4600人民币),可用Knitic设计软件快速、轻松的制作出属于个人手工打造的衣物。一旦进行设置,需要的仅有模板文件和材料。有抱负的设计师可以通过Do Knit与全世界分享自己的作品。OpenKnit的产品比时装秀更适合日常穿着,同样也适合想要改变风格夺人眼球的人群。 以下为原文: Store-bought clothing can be expensive, butnot everyone has the talent or patience to make their own attire. That may notbe an issue if OpenKnit takes off, though. The open source platform combines anaffordable (under $757), build-it-yourself clothing printer with Knitic designsoftware to let you make your own apparel quickly and easily; once you're setup, you just need a template file and some yarn. Aspiring designers can sharetheir creations with the world through Do Knit Yourself. OpenKnit's output ismore appropriate for the street than the fashion show catwalk, but it could beideal for anyone who wants to shake up their style at a moment's notice. |