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Android Studio 0.3.4 发布

2013-11-11 11:23| 发布者: 红黑魂| 查看: 2886| 评论: 0|来自: 开源中国

摘要: Android Studio 0.3.4 发布了,该版本基于Intellij IDEA 13 Beta版本。其他改进内容包括:GradleNew Module editor. In 0.3.2 we introduced the module dependency editor where you could add libraries graphical ...

Android Studio 0.3.4 发布了,该版本基于 Intellij IDEA 13 Beta 版本。


  • Gradle
    • New Module editor. In 0.3.2 we introduced the module dependency editor where you could add libraries graphically; this is now just one tab among many other categories of module data you can edit: flavors, signing configurations, build types, etc. This area is still being actively worked on.
    • Gradle will now build the selected modules rather than all modules when Make is invoked with a selection.
    • Gradle Console. If you enable the new experimental in-process Gradle build mode (Compiler > Gradle > Use in-process build (faster, experimental)), you can open a Gradle Console which will show the full, raw Gradle output rather than just the simplified errors listed in the Messages window. The window does not open automatically, but the Messages window has a "Show Console Output" button in the left-hand-side toolbar, and it also adds a "See complete output in console" message you can double click on to trigger.
    • "Clean project" now runs a clean target to clear all build output.
    • A file-locking bug affecting Windows users (issue 61300) has been fixed. This bug would prevent cleaning and rebuilding a project as soon as a layout file had been opened.
  • Layout Editor
    • Support for using sourceCompatibility 1.7 even the IDE is running on JDK 1.6 (as it is by default on Mac OSX for example, even when JDK 1.7 is installed). We now convert the bytecode of compiled classes on the fly such that they can be executed by the layout renderer.
    • Support non-rectangular shapes in Drawable render preview
    • Drop preview now shows more accurate widget bounds
  • XML editor
    • When editing layouts, the layout_width and layout_height attributes are inserted automatically
    • The quote-matching bug (issue 11332) has been fixed
    • Namespace prefixes are now highlighted separate from attribute names
  • DDMS
    • Dumpsys support. You can now click on the Dumpsys action in the toolbar, which will execute "adb dumpsys" on the connected device and display information in the editor about the selected process.
    • Nexus 5 device images for the screenshot feature (which optionally surrounds the screenshot with device art).
    • Nexus 5 metadata for creating virtual devices in the emulator
  • Templates
    • Linked field editing. Editing parameter names such as activity names and layout names now dynamically update other suggestions. For example, if you change the activity name to "HomeActivity", the layout and fragment resource name suggestions change to "activity_home" and "fragment_home". It will also automatically pick unique names when appropriate such that you can create new activities without conflicting with existing ones.
  • The SDK manager is now available from Welcome Wizard so you can configure SDKs before creating a project
  • Many other bug fixes!





  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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