QT 5.2 Beta 发布了,该版本的 Qt Everywhere 已经足够稳定,提供 Android 和 iOS、Blackberry 10 上的 QT 移植版本;同时该版本引入新的 场景图形渲染器,该渲染器提升了图形的处理性能,对 CPU 的占用更低、更加高效;此外之前内置的 V8 JavaScript 引擎已经被 Qt-specific engine 所替换。 Qt 5.2 还包含: - Qt Bluetooth: supported on Linux with Bluez 4.x and Blackberry
- Qt NFC: supported on Blackberry
- Qt Positioning: supported on all platforms using NMEA data, and using GeoClue on Linux
- Qt Windows Extras: Integrate with native code on Windows
- Qt Mac Extras: Integrate with native code on Mac OS X
- Qt Android Extras: Integrate with native code on Android
- Improved time zone and locale support with QTimeZone and QCollator
- Enhancements to multiple Qt Widgets and a new one, the QKeySequenceEdit class
- Animations for QML that can not be blocked by high loads on the main thread
- Some new features and mobile specific controls for Qt Quick Controls
- Accessibility is now fully supported on all desktop platforms and basic support on Android.
完整的列表和介绍请看 New Features 页面。 Qt 5.2 将附带 Qt Creator 3.0,详细介绍请看发行说明。 |