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Android Studio 0.3.0 发布

2013-10-21 15:55| 发布者: 红黑魂| 查看: 1605| 评论: 0|来自: 开源中国

摘要: Android Studio 0.3.0 发布了,该版本包含众多改进,详情如下:Updated the IDE base to the IntelliJ EAP build #132.637 sources (which also includes their #132.556 build relative to what we had in Studio 0 ...

Android Studio 0.3.0 发布了,该版本包含众多改进,详情如下:

  • Updated the IDE base to the IntelliJ EAP build #132.637 sources (which also includes their #132.556 build relative to what we had in Studio 0.2.13.) 
    The release notes for this version of the IDE which lists the new features and bugs fixed are here:
  • Gradle Builds
    • Much faster gradle project import: Importing one of our apps went down from two and a half minutes to fourteen seconds. This speedup also applies to syncing your existing project with Gradle, reopening existing projects, etc. Furthermore, we now only run the build target to generate sources, not a full compilation.
    • The improved performance is made possible by changes in Gradle 1.8 and Android Gradle plugin version 0.6.+, which are now the minimum supported versions.
      If you open an already imported project that uses the Gradle wrapper pointing to an old version of Gradle you will be able to automatically fix the wrapper properties and re-import the project:

    • The Gradle 0.6.2 plugin is now also available (or soon available; it is staging on maven central, so should be available in the next few hours), which improves resource merging handling (better error handling, more accurate error locations, source element references no longer merged into the R class documentation, etc).
  • Gradle Dependency Editing
    • You can now edit your Gradle module dependencies (and add and remove modules) from the Project Structure dialog; you no longer need to edit your build.gradle file by hand.
      When you bring up the Project Structure dialog, the Module panel will show you your existing Gradle dependencies:
      You can add a new dependency by clicking on + in the list:
      You can now enter a dependency name (which you for example can get from http://gradleplease.appspot.com/) :

      Or, you can search right in the dialog: 
  • Template Support
    • Revised new blank activity template with support for action bars on older versions of Android (via the appcompat library), and new navigation styles such as using the navigation drawer:
  • Layout Rendering
    • Support for xliff strings. It will now insert id (or if available example) attributes into the layout editor preview strings.
  • As usual, many bug fixes.
    • From b.android.com: 60801, 60823,  59444, 60848, 57904, 60266, 60893, 60879, 60820, 61050, 61113, 60894
    • Other bugs and crashes not tracked in the issue tracker





  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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