Dillo 3.0 发布了,Dillo 是以快速与小巧为鲜明特色的网络浏览器,在一些小型的 Linux 发行版中常能看到它的身影。Dillo 基于 FLTK编写。
1. Dillo3 has shifted its toolkit library from fltk2 to the fltk 1.3 series.
2. The experimental status of fltk2 had kept Dillo2 out of a number of distributions, but fltk 1.3 has already seen an official release.
3. Dillo3 is the current stable branch.
4. In the porting process, several improvements were made and many bugs fixed.
5. The user interface was rewritten, and the internals simplified. Highlights: native build on OS X, on-the-fly panel resize, multiple search engines, faster rendering, and CSS adjacent sibling selectors