Scientific Linux是重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise
Linux,由费米国家加速器实验室和欧洲核研究组织(CERN)共同开发。尽管它旨在与Red Hat Enterprise
Linux完全兼容,它也提供了上游产品中未收入的额外软件包,这当中最值得一提的是各种文件系统,包括Cluster Suite和Global
NDISwrapper、Sun Java及Java Development
Kit(JDK)、轻量级的IceWM窗口管理器、面向统计计算的R语言环境,以及Alpine邮件客户端。 Troy Dawson has announced that the first release candidate for Scientific Linux 5.6 is out and ready for testing: "Scientific Linux 5.6 RC 1 is now available. We have pushed out the latest update to Scientific Linux (SL) 5.6. Changed since beta 3: SL 5.6 has a new graphical theme called 'Atom Shine'; sl-release and yum-conf were updated to point to 56 instead of 5rolling; R was updated to 2.13.0; on the distribution servers there is now a directory 56, for i386 and x86_64 there are links to 5rolling, this does not mean that 56 is released, it is only in release candidate, It is set up this way so that we can test. Known issues: the GDM login screen still has the old graphics instead of the new Atom Shine graphics, this will be fixed in the next release candidate. We expect SL 5.6 RC2 out in two weeks." The release announcement. Download: SL.56.060811.DVD.i386.disc1.iso (4,167MB, MD5), SL.56.060811.DVD.x86_64.disc1.iso (4,172MB, MD5). |