Zenwalk Linux(以前叫做Minislack)是一份基于Slackware的GNU/Linux操作系统,其宗旨在于以每项任务只设置一个应用程序来保持精简和快捷,它还着重于图形桌面及多媒体使用。Zenwalk的特色在于包含最新的Linux技术以及一整套编程环境和运行库,它能为应用程序开发人员提供一份理想的平台。Zenwalk的模块化实现方法还提供了能将Zenwalk Linux转化为具有高度调节性的现代化服务器(如LAMP架构、通讯、文件共享)的简便方法。 Frederic Boulet has announced the release of Zenwalk Linux 7.0 "GNOME" edition, a Slackware-based distribution featuring the GNOME 2.32 desktop: "We are proud to provide Zenwalk GNOME 7.0 based on GNOME 2.32.1. It is the last step before going to GNOME 3.0. Zenwalk GNOME keeps the same way as the standard Zenwalk edition, a clean and clear desktop. Hal support is removed, NetworkManager is preferred instead of wicd, Rhythmbox is also introduced as the default music player and CD grabber, Viewnior is used as a fast and quick viewer of pictures, and Simple Scan replaces XSane to scan documents. As usual, most packages have been updated to the latest stable version: NetworkManager 0.8.4, gedit 2.30.4, Nautilus, Rhythmbox 0.13.3, Viewnior 1.1, Simple Scan, gThumb 2.12.3, LibreOffice 3.3.1, Linux kernel with BFS scheduler and performance tweaks." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: zenwalk-gnome-7.0.iso (665MB, MD5). |