Zend studio是一个屡获大奖的……我看还是不要用这个N年前一直用的词开头吧?因为其他编辑器也已经很强大了。8.0新版具有以下几个亮点: Zend is pleased to announce the release of Zend Studio 8.0.1! You can download this release from: http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/downloads This release contains a new set of features for Rich Internet Applications developers who use JavaScript and CSS technologies. This release also fixes a number of important bugs and includes software updates. This version is backward compatible with all 8.x versions. Software Updates: ----------------- * Zend Framework 1.11.6 Resolved Tickets: ----------------- * Case 033465 - The toggle breakpoint shortcut key now creates the correct breakpoints * Case 033803 - Links in tool tip windows are now working * Case 033638 - Opening a PHP file from the SVN Repositories view is now possible * Case 187879 - Processing large files is now optimized * Case 033246 - Running a PHP script with an error in the code now halts the php-cli.exe process properly * Case 032519 - The code formatter no longer removes the backslash character from a namespace expression * Case 033322 - The Remote search is now disabled in the search dialog * Forum 04507 - The Remote Server Support page is now available in the project properties page * Case 033499 - Only the necessary resources are scanned when downloading a specific directory in a Remote Server Support project * Case 033679 - Various Javascript validator issues are now fixed Resolved Bugs: -------------- * ZSTD-415 - The Zend Firefox Toolbar now supports version 4.0 System Requirements: -------------------- * Supported Operating Systems: - Windows x86, x86-64 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows7 - Linux x86 - Linux x86-64 - Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard * 800MHz processor (1.5GHz processor recommended) * 1024B RAMs * 700MB of hard disk space Documentation: -------------- * Product documentation is available through the web GUI of the product, and on-line at http://www.zend.com/studio/resources Known Issues: ------------- * Users of the old synchronization remote server support model will need to enable the new Remote Server Support. To do this, go to the project's propoerties page, select Remote Server Support and click "Enable Remote Connection Properties". * Updatabaility of Zend Studio 8.0 from beta #2 is supported with the following limitations: 1. For Windows users who use the UAC policy - Zend Studio must be launched as an Administrator (right click on the Zend Studio 8.0 icon and select "Run as Administrator"). 2. Mac users are require to add a "dropins" folder under the installation directory. |