本人收到FSF发来的邮件,特分享之。 继4月份, FSF建议Google公开Gmail的Javascript代码 以来,Google没有做出实质性的回应。因此FSF发邮件呼吁开发者们放弃Gmail。因为Gmail的js代码的私有性以及不可控性,对用户的电脑存在潜在安全隐患。而且关键在于FSF的邮件列表里几乎有50%的用户在使用Gmail邮箱。这个数据如此巨大,如发生意外,后果不堪设想。 如果你是自由软件爱好者,但是又无法弃用Gmail,那么FSF建议大家使用gmail时禁用js(Gmail自身功能)。 详见 NoJavascript/Gmail http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:NoJavaScript/Gmail?27760 邮件原文如下: Important notice to all Gmail users from the Free Software Foundation Did you know that, like you, nearly 50% of the 40,000 subscribers to the FSF's supporter mailing list have an @gmail.com email address? JavaScript, once lauded for adding simple visual effects to web pages, is now used by web sites like Gmail to run powerful programs on your computer. These programs, like any other program running on your computer, should be free software. But right now, the vast majority of JavaScript programs do not respect your essential freedoms to run, study, modify and share them. They take control of your computer away from you; the same control we have been working for over 25 years to protect. Because of the incredibly high percentage of Gmail-using free software supporters, we're taking action to raise awareness about how to use Gmail without using proprietary software. We'll also be working on longer term solutions, but the most immediate positive step to take is to stop running the proprietary programs. Many people suggest that you shouldn't use Gmail at all, because it means losing control over your data and privacy. We agree that this is a very important factor for you to consider when choosing how you will handle your email. But since you are already using Gmail, please help us build momentum for change by not using the proprietary JavaScript on your system -- and helping others to do the same. Yours sincerely, Matt Lee Campaigns Manager Free Software Foundation |