Mandriva Linux以Mandrake Linux的名称创建于1998年,其宗旨是让Linux对每一个人都更易于使用。当时,Linux作为操作系统已经以其强大和稳定而著称,但它要求人们有很强的专业知识,并涉及大量的命令行操作;MandrakeSoft认为这是一个将最好的图形桌面环境及其自己的图形界面配置工具集成到Linux中的机会,并且很快就因其树立了Linux的易用性标准而著称。在2005年二月,MandrakeSoft与巴西的Conectiva合并为Mandriva S.A.,总部设在法国巴黎。该公司的旗舰产品Mandriva Linux,以一种易于使用且令人愉快的环境,面向个人和职业用户,提供了Linux的所有功能和稳定性。 Eugeni Dodonov has announced the availability of the first alpha release of Mandriva Linux 2011: "I am pleased to announce that the DVD images of Mandriva 2011 Alpha 1 just went out and should be available in the devel/isos/2011 directory on your favorite mirror shortly. As promised some weeks ago, Mandriva 2011 Alpha 1 is following the lead of Mandriva 2011 Technical Preview, sorting out some of the issues we noticed in it. Besides all the features present in the Technical Preview, this Alpha 1 also brings: latest kernel 2.6.37; RPM 5.3.8; NetworkManager 0.8.2 with Mandriva integration plugin; systemd 17, enabled and activated by default; KDE SC 4.6.0 and Xfce 4.8; GCC 4.5.2 with plugins enabled by default; Chromium browser provided in a versioning scheme to match the one used in the Google Chrome project; Firefox 4.0b11; OpenSSL 1.0.0d; Wine 1.3.13." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Due to a show-stopper bug in the x86_64 edition of the distribution only the i586 DVD image is currently available for download: Mandriva.2011-alpha1.i586.iso (1,557MB, MD5). |