Canonical的Mark Shuttleworth声明:Ubuntu 11.10发行版本将预装Qt运行库。原本ubuntu系统上面的桌面,软件等都是基于GTK图像库开发的,这种情况就阻止了Qt应用程序开发者为 ubuntu这种基于GTK的linux操作系统开发应用程序,GTK图形库使用的是dconf作为更基础的系统配置库。Canonical现在已经开始投入人力使Qt和dconf能有机的整合在一起,这样做的好处是Qt应用程序可以很好的在GNOME桌面运行,而且保持和GNOME桌面风格一致的软件外观(译者注:不同图像框架下的应用程序会有不同的表现形式,比如你在现在的ubuntu下面运行XWindow的应用程序xpdf)。
"System settings and prefs, however, have long been a cause of friction between Qt and Gtk. Integration with system settings and preferences is critical to the sense of an application “belonging” on the system. It affects the ability to manage that application using the same tools one uses to manage all the other applications, and the sorts of settings-and-preference experience that users can have with the app. This has traditionally been a problem with Qt / KDE applications on Ubuntu, because Gtk apps all use a centrally-manageable preferences store, and KDE apps do things differently.
To address this, Canonical is driving the development of dconf bindings for Qt, so that it is possible to write a Qt app that uses the same settings framework as everything else in Ubuntu. We’ve contracted with Ryan Lortie, who obviously knows dconf very well, and he’ll work with some folks at Canonical who have been using Qt for custom development work for customers. We’re confident the result will be natural for Qt developers, and a complete expression of dconf’s semantics and style."
翻译(by Aries)
“为了解决这个问题,Canonical开始了dconf和Qt整合工作的开发,这将有可能写出看上去和ubnutu操作系统主题保持一直的Qt应用程序。我们已经联系到了Ryan Lortie,他对dconf非常了解,并且他将和其他几位Canonical的对Qt相当了解的工程师们一起来实施dconf和Qt的整合工作。我们对此结果充满信心,并且此整合工作将使Qt应用程序开发者们开发出和系统主题保持一直的程序,也会对dconf的语义和语法有一个更完整的表达。”