Mandriva Linux以Mandrake
Mandriva S.A.,总部设在法国巴黎。该公司的旗舰产品Mandriva
Linux,以一种易于使用且令人愉快的环境,面向个人和职业用户,提供了Linux的所有功能和稳定性。 Eugeni Dodonov has announced the release of Mandriva Linux 2010.2: "Welcome the Mandriva 2010.2 release which is coming to a mirror nearby you right now. As announced previously, Mandriva 2010.2 is an incremental update on top of Mandriva 2010.1, incorporating all the security and bug-fix updates since its release. Just to give you some statistics about what changes in 2010.2 when comparing to 2010.1, these are some of the numbers. Since the 2010.1 release, the security team has released a total of 5,055 RPMs via official updates, counting both security and bug-fix advisories, across 272 different packages. With such a big number of updated packages, we decided to release an updated version incorporating these packages." Read the complete release announcement on the official Mandriva blog. Download the "One" live CDs or the "Free" installation DVDs: mandriva-one-2010.2-KDE-i586.iso (692MB, MD5), mandriva-one-2010.2-GNOME-i586.iso (703MB, MD5), mandriva-linux-free-2010.2-i586.iso (3,860MB, MD5), (3,868MB, MD5). |