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内核驱动:LM_Sensors 3.2.0发布

2010-10-12 10:34| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 1855| 评论: 0|来自: Linux 人

摘要: It's been quite a while since having anything to report on with the LM_Sensors project, which is the free software project to provide user-space utilities and kernel drivers for various hardware sens ...
It's been quite a while since having anything to report on with the LM_Sensors project, which is the free software project to provide user-space utilities and kernel drivers for various hardware sensors to be supported under Linux. LM_Sensors makes it possible to monitor the CPU/system temperatures, fan speeds, voltages, and other metrics for many systems and motherboards. The last time though we brought up LM_Sensors was in May when it received some better Intel CPU support, but the last major release (LM_Sensors 3.1.0) happened in March of 2009. Today though, LM_Sensors 3.2.0 has been released.
好久没有有关LM_Sensors项目的报道了。LM_Sensors是一项自由软件项目,致力于提供户空间组件和多种硬件传感器的Linux 下的内核驱动。LM_Sensors让监视CUP/系统温度,风扇转速,电压,以及很多系统和主板的其他参量成为可能。我们上次是在五月报道过 LM_Sensors,当时它接收了更好的Intel CPU支持;而最后一款发行(LM_Sensors 3.1.0)还只是在2009年三月。今天,LM_Sensors 3.2.0终于发布了。

There's been updates to the kernel drivers used by LM_Sensors in each new Linux kernel release, but the LM_Sensors package itself with the utilities like sensors-detect and the sensor library has finally been marked as version 3.2.0. The prominent notes for this release is the libsensors library being relicensed under the LGPL, various fixes, and new ASICs being detected and supported by the sensors-detect program. There are minor fixes in this release to libsensors, pwmconfig, sensors, and sensord.
每一个新Linux内核发行时,LM_Sensors都有过一定的升级。但带像传感器探测和传感器库等组件的LM_Sensors包自身终于才 在此次被冠以3.2.0版本发行号。此款发行的突出点在于LGPL下重写的libsensors库许可,诸多漏洞修复,以及传感器探测程序对新的专用集成 器探测与支持能力。此发行还有少量对libsensors,pwmconfig,sensors,和sensord的修复。

The LM_Sensors 3.2.0 release announcement can be found on the project's mailing list.
LM_Sensors 3.2.0发行声明可以在此邮件列表找到。

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