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开源的flash播放器:Gnash 0.8.8发布

2010-8-24 16:23| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 5547| 评论: 1|来自: OSMSG

摘要: Gnash 是 GNU 发布的 Flash 影片播放器。它可以运行在桌面或嵌入式设备以及 FireFox、Opera 等浏览器当中。详细如下:Gnash 0.8.8 的主要特点有:修复了上一版本的bug,能够保证所有的网页视频能够正常工作。Gnash ...

Gnash 是 GNU 发布的 Flash 影片播放器。它可以运行在桌面或嵌入式设备以及 FireFox、Opera 等浏览器当中。详细如下:

Gnash 0.8.8 的主要特点有:

  • 修复了上一版本的bug,能够保证所有的网页视频能够正常工作。
  • Gnash 可以在运行时切换 Cairo 、OpenGL 、AGG 渲染。
  • Gnash 可以在运行时进行 FFmpeg 和 GStreamer切换。
  • 加快 Gnash 的编译运行速度。
  • 支持编写脚本插件,以便在浏览器中的Javascript可以使用ActionScript。
  • 改进原始帧缓冲。

Gnash 0.8.8 Released

We just released an improved GNU Flash player, Gnash 0.8.8. Gnash plays SWF (Shockwave Flash) files compatible with the Adobe Flash player. Gnash is portable software released under the GNU GPLv3. It runs on GNU/Linux, embedded GNU + Linux systems, and BSD, including x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and 64-bit systems. It comes with a standalone player as well as a browser plugin compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Konqueror, and all Gecko-based browsers.

Improvements since the 0.8.7 release are:

* 100% of all YouTube videos should work. If you have
problems, delete all YouTube cookies and refresh.
* Gnash can switch at runtime between the Cairo, OpenGL,
and AGG renderers.
* Gnash can switch media handlers at runtime, too, between
FFmpeg and Gstreamer,
* Gnash can now decode video quickly on hardware compatible
with the VAAPI library (a few NVidia, ATI, and Intel
graphics processors).
* Gnash now compiles faster due to reduced internal
* Scriptable Plugin support so Javascript in the browser can
work with ActionScript in Gnash.
* Improved input device handling when using a raw

See the NEWS file for more improvements.

You can grab the Gnash sources from http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gnash/0.8.8, or from Gnash Git using the release_0_8_8 branch. Experimental binary packages built by the Gnash team are also available at http://www.getgnash.org/packages, along with source snapshots. Binary packages for Debian or RPM based systems will be available from your GNU/Linux distribution, and from whatever BSD variant you are using.

Questions about Gnash or offers of help can go to the developer’s email list at gnash-dev@gnu.org. Free software doesn’t exist without your support, for donation information, go to http://www.openmedianow.org/?q=node/32.

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