Ce:real – Everyday trends Ce:real, What’s happening in
this world? Are you curious about real world? How about North Pole or an edge of
Africa? Also, it can be your neighborhood. It is offering to you hot photo
stories with Twitter trends keyword which has speed of lights. Enjoy millions of
happenings in real world and you participate in it as well. |
SocialMuse Check out what users on the other side of the
world are listening to! Find people with similar musical taste, or just explore
the world through music. Browse other users’ music libraries, listen to previews
of their songs, and buy them if you like them. Check out their profiles on
MySpace, Facebook and Last.fm. |
SpotMessage SpotMessage is a communication tool using
GPS. Send a message designating a spot with Google Maps then the message will be
notified when the recipient arrives at the spot. SpotMsg finds various uses; as
an alarm reminding you of a task at a certain spot or for sending your friend a
surprise message on his or her arrival. |
Trip Journal Trip Journal is the ultimate trip tracking
and sharing solution currently available on Android powered Smartphones. Impress
your friends by sending them real time updates from the places you are visiting.
GPS route tracking, record waypoints, photos & notes, trip statistics, KMZ
& Picasa exports, incorporated Google Maps. |
iNap: Arrival Alert Ever wanted to get some sleep during
a train ride, or a quick powernap on the bus to work? You either hoped to wake
just in time not to miss your station, or set an alarm to wake you far too
early… Using your phone’s GPS it will determine where you are, and wake you when
you are close to your destination! |
Car Locator Save your location whenever you park, and
Car Locator will navigate you back to your car should you ever have trouble
finding it. – Points in direction of your car using GPS and compass – Radar
view, map view, and split view – Parking timer alarm GPS and compass must be
enabled. This free version expires after 25 runs. |
Rhythm Guitar Plays like a real 6-string, 5-fret guitar.
Strum and pick chords, make new chords, string them together to create songs,
transpose songs to fit your vocal range. Great for songwriting, chord reference,
learning radio hits, or even plugging into speakers and pedals. |
Andrometer Andrometer allows you to measure the
approximate distance from you to an object that you can see. Uses GPS,
accelerometer and geomagnetic sensor. Tips: – Keep as steady as possible – The
further you walk, the more accurate the measurement – Must be outdoors with
clear view of sky – Works best under 1 km |
Calton Hill GPSCaddy GPSCaddy allows golfers to quickly
and easily map any golf course either out on the course using GPS or in the
comfort of home using satellite imagery. Then, when they are playing the course,
it uses GPS to tell them exactly how far they are from the significant features
of the hole they are playing (green, bunkers, etc). | |