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2009-12-3 11:23| 发布者: joejoe0332| 查看: 5612| 评论: 1

  这是Google第二次向开发者发出邀请,参与Android开发者竞赛 。为了吸引开发者,Google本次设置了非常透人的奖金。总冠军将获得15万美金的奖励,这笔钱可以在美国买到二辆宝马7系轿车(Yahoo汽车频道可以查价)。奖项如下:获奖者,将得到以下奖励(美金)


  • 第一名: $100,000
  • 第二名: $50,000
  • 第三名: $25,000

  总冠军 (所有分类,评出前3名)

  • 第一名: $150,000
  • 第二名: $50,000
  • 第三名: $25,000



icon SweetDreams
SweetDreams is a revolutionary tool that will finally allow you to go to sleep without worrying about changing your phone settings in order to avoid unwelcome late night calls. You can even use those inactivity periods to save battery power as well, and of course forget about enabling WiFi, Bluetooth or ringtones volume …
icon What the Doodle!?
‘WTD!?’ is a real-time online multiplayer game where one player tries to draw out a given phrase and others try to guess it. Features FFA and Team games, Global Highscores, Personal Face Doodles, integrated Voice Recognition and more! Real-time drawing!? Built for performance, you’ll really see the magic at first doodle!
icon WaveSecure
WaveSecure is a complete mobile security solution that protects your device, data and privacy. 1. Track your phone’s location and who is using it 2. Lock down your phone remotely, making it worthless to the thief 3. Backup all your data 4. Wipe out your data remotely 5. Restore your data May the phone be with you!


icon Plink Art
Plink Art is an app for identifying, discovering and sharing art. Take a photo of a painting, and the Plink Art servers will try to identify it. You can also browse our database of artwork by keyword or timeline and share your discoveries with friends.
icon Word Puzzle
The Word Puzzle is designed to provide a fun way to learn basic English words for preschool children. Kids can study spelling and pronunciation with flash card and check achievement with word puzzle. Interesting visual and sound interaction with awarding system helps kids to keep learning. Let kids play with your Android.
icon Celeste
An educational augmented reality app that displays the Sun, Moon, planets and their paths through the sky onto your camera view. You can navigate through the sky selecting celestial bodies to display interesting information about our solar system. See the exact spot on your horizon where the sun will rise and set.







  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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